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Resideo GS200 Steel Case and Brass Well Analog Display Thermometer
Resideo GS200
Uniweld G19D Steel Case Welding Gauge, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 Contents, 1/8",
Uniweld G19D
Uniweld G19D
Uniweld G19D
ClenAir Glycometer GLY32 Black Handle/Gray/Silver Plastic/Rubber Glycol An accurate and economical tool for ensuring proper levels of glycol treatment in HVAC fluid systems. Removes guess work and prevents wasteful over-treatment. An essential tool for any glycol treatment job. All Glycometers have a metal body with cushioned eyepiece, focus adjustment, and a rubber hand grip. Included with each is a calibration screwdriver and calibration fluid, a plastic pipette, optical cleaning cloth, and a rugged carrying case. The Glycometer is a glycol refractometer for measuring anti-freeze levels of propylene glycol or ethylene glycol in HVAC systems
ClenAir GLY32
Uniweld G15D Welding Gauge Diameter 15-30 psi Bottom Mounting,
Uniweld G15D
Uniweld G15D
Uniweld G15D
Uniweld G8SD Gold Steel Case Replacement Welding Gauge, 2" Dial, 1/4,
Uniweld G8SD
Uniweld G8SD
Uniweld G8SD
Uniweld G7SD Steel Case Bottom Mount Welding Gauge, 2" Dial, 1/4",
Uniweld G7SD
Uniweld G7SD
Uniweld G7SD
Uniweld G56D Steel Case Replacement Gauge, 1-1/8", 1/8" NPT, 0 -,
Uniweld G56D
Uniweld G56D
Uniweld G56D
Uniweld G49D Steel Case Replacement Pressure Gauge, 1-1/2", 1/8",
Uniweld G49D
Fieldpiece Instruments HS36 True RMS Expandable Multimeter with Backlight, Our top of the line stick meter, the HS36 includes the ranges you use everyday for HVACR field service plus includes a bright blue backlight and True RMS. Like the rest of the HS30 series, the HS36 comes equipped with a magnetic hanger, along with detachable silicone test leads and alligator clip probe tips for remote and easy one-handed testing, as well as the full set of built-in safety features. This auto-ranging stick meter also includes a bar graph on the LCD for an analog feel. Technicians who prefer our expandable stick meters tell us this is the best Digital multimeter for HVACR field service. The HS meter series is unlike any other found in HVACR. We incorporate a number of safety features, both those you can and can't see, into our meters. In addition, the HS series accepts modular test instrument accessory heads, so you have more testing capabilities without buying a lot of expensive instruments. And it's packed with the features HVACR technicians need.
Fieldpiece Instruments HS36
Fieldpiece Instruments JL3PR Job Link Pressure Probe
Fieldpiece Instruments JL3PR
Manufacturer Item:
Fieldpiece Instruments Job Link JL2 Wireless Transmitter for SMAN460
Fieldpiece Instruments JL2
Manufacturer Item:
Fieldpiece Instruments JL3PC Job Link Puipe Probe Clamp