Boss 136 fireblock draftstop sealant is a 1 component sealant and is a non-combustible filler caulking used for fireblocking applications in the annular space around wires, pipes, ducts, vents, cable lines and other penetrations to the building envelope. It is a non-slumping sealant that sets to form a hard surface. BOSS 136 can be applied to any gap or penetration where the specification is non-combustible and/or ASTM-E136 rated. Boss 136 is to be used for interior applications only. The non-combustible specification is common to one and 2 family construction and to non-rated penetrations in multi family and commercial construction. Boss 136 is colored red for ease of inspection. In the event of a fire Boss 136 will prevent the spread of fire, smoke and toxic gases through penetration openings. Boss 136 has been tested and meets the American Society for testing materials E-136. To pass this test a material must withstand 1,400 deg F without exhibiting signs of flaming after the first 30 sec in the test apparatus. Boss 136 serves to form a gasket or seal against air infiltration as required by the model energy code in both the performance and prescriptive versions.

Boss BOSS136

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